About Nick

Nicholas Tremblay

A horticulturist and pure soil enthusiast. He is passionate about tapping into each plant's true potential to thrive given the right conditions in the field, focusing on the soil’s microbial health to enhance each plant’s overall benefits.



Prior to creating Woodlot Farm the cultivation of Cannabis, horticultural projects involvement and landscape gardening in northern California, Nicholas was intrigued to explore regenerative agriculture. He studied horticulture, landscaping, and organic gardening extensively in College and on his own. He also ran a successful landscaping business for over 10 years, and worked at a garden nursery for 7 years. Before moving back to his native New England, Nick participated in a 6 month intensive permaculture course in Petaluma, CA inspiring him to then dive deep into the study of biodynamic and regenerative agricultural. The knowledge of such practices are currently incorporated into the growing practices at Woodlot Farm.